Press Releases for drug and alcohol testing

  • 929

    Scientists detect ‘legal high’ in oral fluid

    According to the charity Drugscope, “Khat is a stimulant drug with effects similar to amphetamine. Chewing it makes people feel more alert and talkative and suppresses the appetite, though users describe an ensuing calming effect when used over a few hours. Regular use may lead to insomnia (inability to sleep), anorexia and anxiety.

    By : | 10-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 929

  • 1797

    Concateno to preview new portable drug testing device at ICADTS

    The device incorporates a number of additional features and benefits, including a new ergonomic design with full colour display screen, faster collection times, and improved sensitivity for THC, allowing lower levels to be detected.

    By : | 09-17-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 1797

  • 910

    Child health expert calls for review of testing practice for parental substance misuse

    Dr Payne’s call came following her attendance as a panel member at ‘The Way Forward for Child Protection’, a seminar organised by the Westminster Education Forum and sponsored by Concateno, Europe’s most experienced drug and alcohol testing provider.

    By : | 08-10-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 910